By Paul Tomkins.
After a lot of time in development, working with the developers of the now-defunct Your Members (the subscription software we went with in 2009, as early adopters of a paywall to fund our writing), we have finally got a “bridge” to new subscription software system.
As of yesterday, TTT moved to a new payment interface, which, in turn, meant that we’ve moved to a newer version of WordPress (after years of being “landlocked” into an old version when YM went out of service; somewhat appropriately, on the same day as the ‘topping out’ ceremony for the new Main Stand; that we are also raising prices this week, after months of work, is another coincidence).
This means that we were finally able to update TTT without losing all of our subscribers, as well as increasing the monthly rate from £3.50 after well over six years at that price.
TTT will now cost £5.00 a month or £55 a year. The increase in price is designed to help keep the staffing level as they have been, and not have to drop any of our services, despite a shortfall in income over the past year that has stretched us to breaking point on a couple of occasions. Indeed, in time I’d like to get everyone back to full-time, but for now, we need to get by as things are.
And now that the subscription and WordPress upgrade is sorted (albeit we still expect some teething troubles) we can look to redesign the site. (We have a great new logo and basic concepts, and now need to start working them up.)
The site may run a little slow, and drop out here and there, as we make the necessary tweaks to handle everything. A few weird things may happen, as that’s the way these things work.
To understand a bit more about what this all means for subscribers, and further planned changes, then read on (if you’re a subscriber).
If you’re a subscriber and cannot access this (or any other) content, email us at the site address that is in the grey bar to the top-right hand side of the homepage (click the “letter” icon for email).
This news bulletin is for subscribers only.

TTT is risen. Like a big red birdy thingy.