By Taskin Ismet (TTT Subscriber Tash).
If you’d have looked in my bedroom at pretty much anytime in the late ’70s to early ’90s you’d have seen it plastered with Liverpool posters (some proper shop-bought ones, others ripped from the pages of Shoot or Match), pendants, tankards, cushions, banners, scarves and pretty much anything else I could get my hands on that had some sort of Liverpool connection. I’m guessing it didn’t differ from many of your rooms when you were growing up.
Just behind my door I had a special section, Kenny Corner, which was reserved for posters of my particular hero, Kenny Dalglish. There was Kenny wheeling away from his league title winning goal at Stamford Bridge, Kenny turning inside a Utd player, Kenny – in yellow strip – taking a shot at Highbury which was destined for the top corner, Kenny holding the FA Cup while wearing the obligatory silly hat, Kenny in a suit leading the team out at Wembley… It’s safe to say I was pretty obsessed. But no more than any young football fan is obsessed with their team and their hero.
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