By Krishen Bhautoo.
This is a short piece to round up the results of the excellently put together series of review pieces by Andrew Fanko last month (with a little bit of added data on the valuations TTTers put on our squad).
Firstly, massive thanks to Andrew for putting those articles together. I look forward to them each season!
Secondly, What did the results say?
I was quite surprised that the player who split opinion the most – 48.9% wanting to keep vs 51.1% wanting to sell – was Belgian shot stopper Mignolet.
Dividing the fans more than any other
Only four players had over 50% of TTTers wanting them to be sold on. Mignolet (51.1%), Benteke (92.7%), Skrtel (98.1%) and poor Bogdan (99.3%). It seems that of the three players TTT almost unanimously want to send on their way, one has already gone permanently, and the other on loan and the third is edging towards the door.
TTT says he’s gone
Just TWO players had the full backing of TTT with a 100% vote to keep: Divock Origi and Emre Can. Nine other players have a 90% ‘keep ratio’. In order: Firmino, Clyne, Sakho, Gomez, Coutinho, Ings, Lovren, Sturridge and Henderson (special mention for Milner who slipped under the radar with 89.4%).
‘Only’ 61.1% of TTTers wanted to keep Allen when the poll was taken. I wonder how much that changed after the Euros? And how much again after he agreed to move to Stoke?
64.3% of us were loaning out Ibe. I guess Klopp didn’t get the memo 😉 . Though with the buyback and sell on clauses, we may still benefit from any potentially future development from the player.
There was also a strange distribution of the total number of votes (Keep + Sell + Loan) each player received. Mignolet got the most total votes (327) and Benteke got the least (234). If you sort by ‘Total Votes’ on the interactive table below (thanks Dan!), you’ll see the order. I suspect it’s to do with the order in which the articles were released, with more votes, in general, for the defensive players and less in total for the midfield and attacking players.
A few weeks back, I asked TTTers to fill out a small table with our current squad and how much you’d be willing to take in a transfer fee for them. Some of the results are eerily accurate!
Here are the results from 46 responses:
The ranges vary quite wildly (especially with one loon willing to pay someone £5m to take Balotelli off our hands!). Visualised, this is how the valuations ranged. Either end of the arrows indicate the minimum and maximum TTTers would accept for the player, with the red marks indicating the average.
The Ibe, Allen and Skrtel fees that TTTers would take are almost spot on with the reported fees of their respective sales. Benteke is a touch low at ‘just’ £21.1m, with Crystal Palace reportedly willing to pay closer to £30m.
Klopp expects to make a few more sales. As a guess, given rumours or their lack of involvement so far in preseason, we are looking at Smith, Benteke, possibly Markovic, Alberto, perhaps Lucas (although his injury may curtail that) and Wisdom. That’s just over £64m in TTT money. Closer to £75m if you alter the Benteke fee.
I didn’t bother including Balo because I don’t think he’s going anywhere (some of the respected journos are saying he’s really knuckling down in training and taking things seriously). Has he FINALLY woken up? I won’t be holding my breath.