by our Mystery Correspondent P. Dantic.
It’s not all about just reading the names on the player’s shirts. The commentators will sometimes tell us ‘He is a real talent’. You could easily think that they are just pointing out the talented players. But every footballer on the pitch is the owner-operator of a talent that they are currently able to sell to a football club. So if the commentators were saying ‘He’s a real talent’ for every player that has talent we’d be hearing them say it every time a player touched the ball. You might think that could get tedious, but that’s never stopped them before.
Luckily the commentators save ‘He’s a real talent’ for the young players. It’s the sort of phrase that could be followed up with something like ‘He’ll go all the way’. The commentators are saying that they expect to see this player continue to improve.
Let me ask you something.
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