By TTT Subscriber Dowdy.
My son, Aaron, and I left home at 1pm as normal, dropped into Cheltenham to meet my mate, Marcus, then headed north to Rainhill to pick up my other son, Jake, before heading into Liverpool.
Traffic was okay on the M5 and, apart from a slight delay getting onto the M6 which is nothing out of the ordinary, was moving fairly well. We arrived at Keele services for the obligatory drive-through coffee – gotta keep the routine (or are they superstitions?) going, especially at this crucial time of the season – and headed on. All was still going well.
An accident ahead meant we diverted via Middlewich and back onto the M6. I consider myself extremely lucky in that I must‘ve been to hundreds of games at Anfield over the years so I’ve used many different routes due to traffic, roadworks, accidents etc. But this was yet another new diversion for me – every day’s a school day and all that!
The nerves were bad before we left home, I mean it’s Utd after all, at a crucial time in a phenomenal season, and the traffic wasn’t helping although we remained hopeful of making it in plenty of time.
This article is for TTT Subscribers only.