After a decent kip and a good breakfast at the hotel in Getafe, which very evidently has many more Reds than Spurs staying there, we get a taxi into Madrid to meet up again at midday. It’s cloudless and blisteringly hot. The taxi drops us at the Novotel, where the rather select handful of people with tickets from LFC have to collect them from. The rest take up residence at a pavement bar (where the photo was taken) and wait for them to return. Every passing vehicle seems to be red, tooting their car horns at us and we wave in acknowledgement.
Tickets collected, we move on to the fan park on Felipe II, and catch some of John Power’s set. We see a flag with a variation on the classic “Wine for my men we ride at dawn”: “Lemo for my men, we’re up till dawn”. We even take the piss out of our own abstract surrealism! There are also plenty of “Them Scousers Again” T-shirts
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